Military People (Navy) Please Step In...

Does anyone on here have experience or knowledge regarding the Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program (BDCP)?

I’m just testing waters right now, several factors that led me to this are:

-The Navy allows me to stay in school here to complete my degree (Tech Ed)

-Pays up to $155,000 in tuition for school (reimbursement upon completion)

-Pays officer commission while still completing school

-Allows me the opportunity to gain a vast knowledge of engineering while being able to finish my graduate program at the same time

I have had many great technology teachers in my life, and all seem to have prior experience that they bring the classroom whether it be a different field of work relating to technology or prior experience in different classes. I’m leaning towards this program because I would still graduate with my degree in Technology Education, serve 4 years in the active officer program of the Navy, complete my masters (required in NYS for teaching, higher pay rate), and then become inactive reserved for 4 years after. After becoming inactive reserved I would be able to look around for teaching jobs.

I don’t need anyone’s opinions, just any information or experience anyone might have regarding this subject.

Thanks guys,

You lookin for a boyfriend?

Ehmmm…depends on if you’re available there cutey…

I know, I know “the navy is for fags blah blah blah”

I’m not looking to go into combat training, that’s not what I want out of this, I’m looking into a non-combat position that I will benefit from down the road.

Well here is what I will say as I am getting out after a lil over four years in six days. I have gotten to see a ton of the world and do things most people never will. I have no regret and am very glad I joined and have these experiences. However like you I planned to get in and out and just wanted the experiences for a few years so that is what I did. It is not easy, many long, long, LONG days and sometimes more stress then some can handle. Overall the hardest part for me was having to go long periods of time without being able to see my friends and family. I think more people should join.

I totally see where you’re coming from, I know this is not just some “sign me up!” and get it over with type of thing. It’s a huge commitment, hell it’s 4 years active duty and then 4 years inactive by contract. That’s 8 years of my life that will have in one way or another, an impact on my life.

I think being able to walk away from all of it after though would be a huge gain, being able to apply what I learned to my students, making for a more interactive classroom experience and thorough learning process.

Those of you that know me personally know how much I want out of this area/state, so I won’t have any problem with leaving, that’s for sure. I figured this is an opportunity to see and experience many places and things and continue with my initial plan after all is said and done, bringing with me the knowledge I obtained.

Four years enlisted active duty aboad the USS Kearsarge (LHD-3). I think it’s a hell of a deal to have most if not all of your tuition paid for. You’re really only committed to 4 years active. Inactive is a joke, at least on the Navy side.

Some advice. Make sure you research your MOS carefully before you sign 4 years of your life away. Lead by example. Don’t fall into the trap that most officers do, IE hypocritical. You will have an eager and hard working division if you do right by your enlisted.

About the experience. What Cougar said about stress and seeing the world.

I wouldnt count on it taking up 8 years of your life, you very well could get stuck on the flight deck of a carrier, which is expendable and has the highest mortality rate in all of the navy, food for thought I guess.

I am not sure why you are talking about 8 years. It is a 4 year service(active) then IRR(his second 4) he is discharged and only called back under extreme situations. If you end up on a flight deck that is the job(mos) field that you went into. You do not just end up roamin around out there lol. Also if you are really serious about him doing that type of work I think you are also confused about the role of an officer in the military. Your post was less useful then me asking if he was looking for a bf.

I was under the impression that Nuke techs had the highest mortailty rate.

DONT DOOOOOO IT… what about OUR plans!!!

Lol I wouldn’t be on a flight deck that’s for sure.

The program I’d most likely fall into is the civil engineer or possibly oceanographic research, both allow you to obtain your masters in either field

Stationed in Florida ftw? Lol

I served 4 years in the Air Force, and I still say :tup: to any military branch.

EDIT: And there are Homo’s in every branch of the military. More than you would think.

lol @ the homos comment. Well, I like the plan more now that you’ve involved me a little bit. <3

I know a girl who just failed her way out of that program… Keep your grades up if you get in it!

Grades are the very least of my concern lol

Just dont bitch when you have to go over seas and actually fulfill your requirement to serve.

I hate people who talk about how they got paid $20k to enlist, get paid a few grand a month, etc, etc, etc. but as soon as they get orders to deploy, suddenly the military sucks.

I personally would love to enlist in the Coast Guard Reserves but there isnt any openings for local service and I am not giving up my job here.

WOW, I was on that tin can… When I was in HM-15. … small world.

I was in the navy…enlisted. i was going to go OCS, but didnt b/c once your an officer… they can call you back!

I saw the world… nothing like checking out the keys to one of these

or one of these

sounds like you are joining for all the wrong reasons

just because you go for a desk job, doesn’t mean that they won’t send you overseas when it’s needed

they don’t give a damn about your education

yvan eht nioj