National Guard People

I have read a lot about this and am considering it.

I work full time now but I really want to get involved with something but curious what people think and have from their REAL experiences. I dont want to hear recruiter stories about how great it is or “I have a friend who knows someone who’s sister has a boyfriend who’s in it”

I know there is a couple people on here that are in it if they dont mind letting me know how it is.


How much does it pay?

Any sign on bonus?

Any required deployment over seas or out of the area?

During domestic situations, how long have you been gone for? Is it flexible if you are full time/part time?

Any long term commitment?

Do you really get to choose what you want to do or are you forced into a specific field?

if they call your branch you go to war, its that simple. you dont get free money for no reason.


Bonus = 20K

Deployments ARE NOT required. I Have been gone up to 25 Days (Volunteered). Your Job MUST make exceptions for it.

4 and 6 year initial commitments. Basic Training was fun. You can pick your career field. Bonus and incentives are adjusted for the job you choose

Shut up dickhead. You clearly don’t know a single thing about the military, and reserve/Guard functions.

Ok thanks. What are the requirements per week/month/year for training and reporting?

Can you be deployed anywhere in the US for disasters or do you pretty much only stay in NY? Have you ever been sent anywhere not by choice?

1 weekend a month, which usually equals 250 bucks in your pocket. and 2 weeks out of the year which equals about 1200 bucks for working that weekend.

As for Disasters its pretty much volunteer. Again this doesn’t account for a Russian Invasion… which isn’t going to happen, but I guess it could.

All said and done you go in, go through training (Yes you have to go to training) you’ll have about 23-25K in your pocket.

edited at boxxas request.


dont give misinformation and i wouldnt have to come in a thread correcting your dumb ass.

umm karter, plz don’t fill this thread up with crap, dan is in the national guard, i think he would know. k?

though your information MAY be relevant, providing links and banter will not help Boxxa with his question.

what mis information? He wanted to know what the minimum was… and I told him.

Chill out ILC and Karter. Keep this thread relatively informative, please.

You do know there is a difference tubby between the army reserves and the national guard right?

Can a mod just delete his posts and keep the information from ILC in this thread please?

ILC: So you just report one weekend a month both days to a local base? What would the weekend consist of? Is it doing your job you signed up for?

Also, the two weeks a year. Is it reporting every day locally for two weeks or do you go somewhere else for a two week period?

and I’ve given the relavant information. But when douchebag comes in saying … if they need your branch you go. When it doesn’t AT ALL work like that.

They do give out free money all the time, and you honestly never have to be deployed. I’ve seen it, it happens all the time in the ANG.

does it count if im sponsored by the National Guard

I’ll edit them for you. ILC it CAN happen.

1 weekend a month, which they are pretty flexible about, they have a set schedule but if you have stuff like a wedding or some other important event they can make exceptions for you. Its Called pulling a RUTA, where you make it up during the week or the next month, that is up to your immediate supervisor.

The 2 weeks out of the year is again flexible you don’t have to do a 2 week shot at it. you can break it up into 3 days, 5 days 1 day… what ever again up to your supervisor

As for local base… its right in niagara falls… you get there at 7 or 7:30 depending on job … and leave anywhere from 2pm to 430pm…

of course it can happen… but a lot of shit has to happen if you really want to play the system and do the bare minimum.

Now shut the fuck up and don’t post in here. go get that Denny’s deal or something, I heard its free, although I’m sure you know better when the free deal is happening.

I beleive the problem is that you are arguing between the guard and reserves, am I wrong?

I have a question, how long is the training?

Air force National guard= 8 weeks ish for basic training + Technical training. which can vary from 1 month to 26 + weeks. Jobspecific