National Guard People

Boxxa: Do you have a college education? Do you plan on getting one?

I’m no help from the enlisted side, but if your answer is yes to either of these I could shed some light on this for you.

Yes if degree go officer if you can. if you are getting a degree they give sooo much money for school. He has a degree, and a Job.


Karter if you post in here again, you will be banned for 4 days.

If you really care to respond use PM’s.

I will talk to My warehouse manager George and see if he can shed any light on this also. He just got out of the guard as an officer.

Ok there is alot of miss information and half truths here.

Lastly, I will say this. Don’t do it for money, travel, or any other reason that you would take on a normal job. It WILL be a huge part of your life. Do it because you want to serve. There is a little money, but when you have lost 1/4 of your weekends, half of your vacation time and other commitments to the military, money doesn’t really make up for it.

There is a personal sacrafice, and its HUGE. I love my job, and I fly a few days a week. But it has cost me 100x what I was paid in relationships, lost engagements, problems with work and so forth. Keep it all in mind. Lastly, READ THE CONTRACT.

I’m curious what you feel is misinformation and half truth

Ya i graduated in December and have a BS in Management, Concentration in MIS and thinking about going back to pick up my MBA and a minor in computer science since I can get it in a summer and a semester pretty much. Any tuition reimbursement would be great too.

Ok thank you. That is what I was looking for.

I would love to get back into flying and like the serving part. That is why I am curious about the travel and commitment. Some months I sit around and literally do nothing on weekends or at night and others I am busy with work so I am curious how flexible it is and if its something you can work with. I dont expect free money for doing nothing but it would be nice to have some incentive to go and help out locally versus being deployed somewhere.

Thank you.

Unfortunately the last that I’ve checked college incentives are only for undergraduate studies.

There may be ways the ANG might pick up payment on your loans that you have out, I’m not entirely certain on that though.

From your first post it sounds like you want an easy way to get a second job that gives you money while getting to play with guns.

Typical rules apply here: good jobs = very competetive and no bonus

Shitty jobs (sometimes quite literally) = easier to get and you’ll get a boner, er… bonus

Make sure you are doing it for the right reasons.

you are wrong.


OK, you have a college degree, you should become an officer. You’ll probably be kicking yourself in the ass if you join up and realize the difference, especially if you want to fly (which I think I read somewhere). As for money back for having your masters… I’m not sure exactly how that works. I don’t think they just kick money back, but I think they will increase your bonus and who knows maybe you would be on a fast track to CPT.

Do you want a number of someone who can actually feed you accurate information? I have a card here of a guy that got me all setup with what I am doing.

Shitty jobs are defined differently by everyone. I know a ton of people who are in the military and wouldn’t have it any other way. I also know people making 80k a year in a cubicle and they hate life… I know people exactly the opposite.

If you take pride in serving and want to make sure you take advantage of everything the military has to offer, its best to do your research before signing.

  1. The only real way to go into the military is as an officer.

  2. A Flying position… Come on… you have to apply for the job. meet infront of a board, interview… and be the top selection. Its not something you can just get.

  3. As for the masters incentives. I’m not to sure on it either. I think in the ANG it comes up pretty bare. after you have your BA/BS

  4. What are you set up in?

  1. No, people without the educational background and don’t want to be working at McDonald’s make out great if they enlist. Many of which, if they have any potential at all, will get into college eventually and have even more potential than if they did anything else.

  2. Not that hard. My buddy (who may have already been ranked highly in ROTC) simply said he wanted to go gaurd and fly Chinooks at the Rochester airport across the street from our school. The filled out the papers and hes on his way to doing so.

  3. I am in ROTC, commissioning this summer and already set up to be a PL of an infantry PLT out near Albany. $10k bonus just for commissioning and they already paid for 4 years of school and books.

I was talking for a career move. Sure e-7 and up make decent money… but I couldn’t live my life just taking orders all day long. (I’ve been in the military a lot longer than you think, trust me on this)

I didn’t think about Helicopters… I don’t know what kind of availibilty they have. But Airplanes, are a different story.

Just ROTC… you have a lot to learn. Just curious what is your commitment after you get out of college?

Boxxa if you want the low down and almost any question answered truthfully and fully with more than enough experience behind them, shoot me a PM. i’ll meet you out somewhere for a beer or coffee.

i’ve talked just as many people into going guard or active or into a separate respective branch as i’ve talked them out of it.

i’ve got over 9 years under my belt and think i know what i’m talking about.

I was thinking about doing guard after my active duty time. But I really just want to grow a beard and really long hair.
Mafdark you are in ROTC and are going to be in the guard? For some reason I thought ROTC had to serve active time. Learn something new every day.

lets talk about money … what kinda bank do we make here

I am trying to do as much research from people as I can who have been in the system before speaking to a recruiter.

Honestly, recruiters are salesmen and will tell you anything to get you to join. Hell I almost went into the Navy to fly after high school. Guy was telling me all the stuff i was eligible to do and found out from someone else that you have like a 1/1,000,000 shot a flying being an enlisted and not an officer.

I have a lot of time some months and little others and like the fact that the national guard is trained and gives back to the country internally, not over seas. I work in IT and like my job so I don’t want to risk that, just caught my eye with disaster response and some of the programs they have on top of the bonuses and pay scales. I don’t want to risk my job and life here tho and suddenly be sent to another country for a month at random.

I appreciate ILC’s information since he is in the program so anyone else who has that type experience please speak up.

Are you active duty or are you a recruiter?

i wanted to be a recruiter just for the high school sluts