Military Guys: Questions

Looking for advice from you guys that are in the military or that have been in the military. I have been thinking a lot lately about joining. I have a lot of reasons, and im not sure what direction to take. I hear that the Airforce is a very good branch and at the same time, there is something about the Marines that really catches my attention. Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Air Force or bust imo. They have a lot of great programs available, and you have a lot less chance of being overseas on the front line.

yea a couple of my buddies are in the air force and they get to go to antarctica, so no killing there haha

My old man served the 109th for 42yrs, got to go to Antarctica for a month every year, and made a very good living/life for himself. I’m looking into it as well shortly

what exactly do you want to do in the military? Why are you interested in it?

Without going to deep here, i’m looking to change my life around. I’m not all that happy with where im at right now. I’m single, and I have nothing to tie me down, except of course family. To top that off I have a large part of my family that has served and not one of them has a negative outlook on it, it did a lot of good for them.

I am considering making it a career choice, and if I don’t do the full 20 years, i would like to do something that I can bring back as experience to get a good job. I am kind of all over the place right now with what I would want to do, obviously my niche is technology but at the same time the thought of helping people face to face appeals to me as well.

So no combat arms for you? And these days every branch and almost every MOS deploys to either theater of combat. Do you have college experience? How hold are you? With the military there is no joining and deciding you don’t like it and quitting so be sure you are 100% committed to this idea. I personally love the military, as of right now im trying to wave dwell time so i can catch an Afghanistan deployment. But i can say its not for everyone.

I am 25 and combat arms is one of the top things I would be ok, doing honestly, which is why I am also thinking about the marines. I have absolutely no problem with deployment anywhere, I am one semester away from my associates. I had to put college on the back-burner when I started my business.

So being that your 25 would you be able to handle someone who is 20 telling you what to do? With college if your recruiter dose his job you should be able to come in with a little rank. Now if your ok with combat arms i know atleast in the Army right now there is a waiting list to go to basic training for the infantry, i do not know about the marines.

Thanks for serving/thinking about serving folks. It’s appreciated. Happy Holidays to those of you who are abroad right now (91teg?). If only our Politicians were concerned with the safety/well being of our nation like our Armed Forces are…we’d be a’okay.

99FRC Im not in the military but i’ve strongly considered it. Airforce has great career opportunities from what i’ve been told. If you are considering any sort of combat position, watch the documentary Restrepo and make sure that you can handle a bad situation if you get put in one. Like someone said, theres no quitting so you want to know your limit before hand.

Good call on Restrepo. SSG Salvatore Giunta who was then a SPC got the Medal Of Honor for his actions in the Korengal Valley. And there is no way to prepare your self for what you will see. Just train your ass off and make sure you and the guys to your left and right are the best at what you do.

This is true, but if someone wants to go infantry and is willing to mobilize for deployment immediately after basic, have them talk to me…

I didnt know you had that option. I graduated OSUT and was in Iraq a month and a half later.

Props to you 99FRC if you do it, I would have loved to have joined the military to be honest, something about it just catches my eye if you will. I will be the first to say though that I don’t have the sack to do it. Nor would I want to leave my family (wife/daughter) for that ammount of time.

What about your business?

ARNG We need people too. :wink:

marine sniper FTW

Everyone should be getting flooded with people. When we got back in September we already had new guys waiting to be assigned to the platoons.

we’re in serious need, my platoon alone has 8 soldiers ETSing before the deployment and 2 privates pissed hot on their first drill… Recruiters haven’t been signing anyone up for IN in our area for a while.

Good luck on whatever you choose. My father served in the Navy for 5 years or so. He still says it was the best time of his life. He has pics of him riding Camels around and shit. I think it’s a good option for you.

If I can make a recommendation, my father always told me if you want to go in the military fine, but go in as an Officer. I recommend finishing up your associates, then making a decision from there.