Military Guys: Questions

Holy shit. Now are you Enlisted ? And two new dick heads pissing hot. How are they being punished?

need more credits than that, also, its not a walk in the park to become an officer… you have to first get into OCS and then get through it

Age is not important to me. If someone has more experience than me I am going to listen, I don’t care how old they are.

For me it’s not really IF I am going to do it, it is how and when.

how would you rate your overall fitness and intelligence? i ask this because combat control sounds like it might be a job you would like. it offers a bit of everything, marine combat arms, and air force technology. it is the most physically demanding job in the air force and one of the most demanding in the armed services. you get trained as an air traffic controller which might apply towards a career on the civilian side as well but im not sure.

here is a general breakdown of the job, and it also lists the physical standards here and keep in mind there is no break between them. so right after the 14 minute swim there is a 1.5mile run.

I’m not enlisted and therefore probably should discuss it. :lol

The business is here and depending on what I choose to do I will either sell it or just close it up. Being self-employed in this state is not as rewarding as some people may think. Especially right now.

I will def check this out. I consider myself to be in very good shape. Been going to the gym religously for a long time, although I could def work on conditioning and stamina, as I have been mainly focusing on strength/size.

Intelligence wise, im not a genius by any means but I am a Computer Science major with a 3.5.

No its not…

Even when your doing good, it still sucks

I thought of joining once. Though crossed my mind for roughly 2 mins. Then no more. Good luck dude, and i appreciate everyone serving in the armed forces.

That movie was tough to watch, doesn’t get any more real than that.

For an officer position, is that a 2 or 4yr degree?

I am pretty sure its a 4 yr

I’m pretty sure of that as well.

99FRC whatever you decide power to ya.

To all the members in the forces, my respect.

Sean youre deployed now aren’t you?

No my unit returned in September. We were the last combat brigade in Iraq. Im currently trying to wave my dwell time so i can go to Afghanistan.

i went thru all the meetings with the marines and i still wish i joined, however i have a lot of things going for me now so it all works out…

good luck with your decision

im retarded, thought ya’ll were talking about police officer not officer in the armed forces

movie/documentary was unreal, definetly wanna watch it again.

see now im pretty sure its a 2 year. dont quote me though. i could find out however very easily. open the door in my office and the marines are right there.

Becoming a PO in this state is a long arduous process. It can take years, and is highly competitive.

Joining the armed forces is a really good foot in the door when you come back with an honorable discharge.

It also depends what county you are trying for. Tony made it in Albany with out ever studying or taking more then 1 test. And fuck Rizzo got on schenectady. Need I say more?

Not entirely. T was a city resident. Albany ONLY hires city residents and laterals.

Riz got lucky as well. Residency is huge.