Questions about joining the military.

I’ve been strongly considering joining the Air Force these past few months for several reasons. And was wondering, is there anything special I should do if I do decide to go for it?

Figured I’d ask seeing as there are a few that have done the military thing here.

I aint going to smack the Air Force, but unless your going to fly a plane dont do it.

The Army pays the best, can actually provide you with a job after you get out, can provide you with the MOS you want to go for, they over over 350 jobs, and there the biggest branch.

well actually the army pays just as good as the airforce, but depending on the job promotions will differ (typically the dumber the job, the greater promotion potential) the army will give you a job in writing, most other services won’t. And it depends on what you do, no service will “provide you with a job” but you may gain skills for a job. There are few places that need gun bunnys or missile techs. Some jobs will offer special pays, as a Flight Engineer i was paid for food, a house and special fly pay, as a single guy ( most married guys get the house and food, but its rare for a single guy). I did 6 years active in the army, currently national guard aviation, and when people ask about the military, i ask them what they want to do with thier career, cause each service, and job has its benefits, and drawbacks.

air force and then on to be a commercial pilot…do it, but before you join, help me finish my stereo lol…

Personally I love airplanes always have since I was young, and still do. But I doubt they would let people with a diagnosed with ADHD fly a plane as much as I would want to. Likewise I can’t imagine the chances of that being too high. If anything I wanted to work on the avionics portion of things.

Did you get it mounted up. :stuck_out_tongue:

Marine Corps

All I can suggest is talk to a recruiter as well as do your own research. You need to look at both sides of the issue.



Go to Walden Bowling Lnaes or w/e, right near the mall.

There is the Army, Air Force and Navy Office.

Go speak to all of them. If you go to the Army office, ask for SSG Joseph Kishel.

As for the Marince Corps, do not go to the Marine Corps.

That right there is my cousin.

General Peter Pace, 4 star General, Joint Cheif Staff of the US. (Highest Military Rank)

He talked me out of the Marine Corps, trsut me dont go.

Either do Air Force or Army

navy. here

You and a whole generation are learning that the “slap a diagnosis on a kid and feed him drugs” has is consequences. Unless you have problems every day, it was a bogus diagnosis, and this comes up all the time on the pilot boards. Unfortunatly the airforce, army, marines, navy and FAA won’t let you fly a plane, ever, unless you either 1. get the doctor to admit they were wrong (won’t happen) or 2. have another doctor say that that doctor was wrong (too much liability if you actually do, so he won’t), which in short says your screwed. but there are lots of jobs for land lubbers.

look into being a navy corpsman. lots of job opportunities in that field.

don’t be too quick to judge, both me and my brother (fuzzyfish) were diagnosed at a leading reasearch center for ADD and ADAH, trust me there was a lot of testing and crap it isn’t what you northerners are use to. up here many doctors think it is a joke and a non existant problem, but its not. The teachers in oklahoma were actually trained to handle kids with ADD and their teaching style is a hell of a lot more effective than what i’ve expierenced up here.:lolham:

your not going anywhere untill my turbo is on my SHO.

I used to take meds for it. I stopped taking meds of my own will when I became 18 as it made me anti-social and I did not want to have to depend on them. Somedays though 4 years later I have difficult times contrating on anyone thing for longer than a few minutes if not shorter. And doubt my ability to ever pull off an intrument based landing due to my attention span.

Even at work I have the same issue when listening to customers, I drift off on to other things within seconds. Somedays it’s damn near impossible. Certain things will fixate me like driving because I can think about what thing the car is doing down to suspension angles, bushing flex, inertia, stresses, the engine internally, the input/calculation/output of an EFI computer, changing a gear and all the movements associated internally to the gearbox to allow you to make a change, etc. Same for a computers, and electronics there is so much going on it keeps my attention and I can do it. As long as it is complicated I can do it, but it needs some element of randomness to keep me going

I’m not looking to fly I’m looking at the electronics portion that has always facinated me it has for years. I want to learn something new, and general car wiring is quickly running out of interest for me here. And tech support is a dead-end job.

Mainly just trying to see what is out there though. Still much research to do. :slight_smile:

my cousin was a communications operator in the USAF now he makes over 100k a year in NC

I have problems concentrating, what young and active person doesn’t. I find studying difficult, have to take many breaks and my mind drifts to 10 subjects in 10 seconds, but thats true of many people. Many doctors, and myself believe that there are real casses of ADHD, but it is overdiagnosed, and improperly diagnosed most of the time.

I think the military is a bad idea.We should start some kind of organized crime ring instead.

If I still feel the same about it in two weeks I’ll start checking out the recuitment offices and see where I stand afterwards.

I wish you luck
and take what recruiters say with a grain of salt.
remember they are there to recruit you

If I ever joined it would be air force for me.
Not big on the whole “HOO RAH Marine core”

my brother is in the navy, and loves it. he’s also staying in hawaii and has an easy/ good paying job. so myabe that has something to do with it.

ot: doesnt the navy have more airplanes than the airforce? i thought i heard that somewhere