Questions about joining the military.

Yeah it’s kind of like trying to leave Best Buy/Circuit City without an extended warranty. :slight_smile:

Just tell them you have to type with a keytard.

Yea there are a lot of disorders that are misdiagnosed daily as ADD and ADHD; I’ve learned this first hand. ADHD has a long-ass list of symptoms that can stem from its cousins.

If you really want to enlist, I’d have a qualified specialist double-check you first (if that isn’t how you were diagnosed). And don’t forget the military has a reputation for handing out Provigil and amphetamines :slight_smile:

as i didnt read this whole thread, please ignore the following potential redundancies,
my cuz went into the AF a few years ago, approx. 4, she started out as all do, and she is now a sargeant, making over 100k/year living on the beach in florida, i dont know if u money is your motivation, as it probably shouldntt, but its something to roll around inthe ol noggin :slight_smile:

its all about what you want to do…i am in the navy going on 3 years and here are just my thoughts and comments on each branch…i am comming up with this because i work with every branch of the us military.

army…some fields promote fast which is good but other promote SLOW!!! i know and with the army its all about how much you can learn about stupid army stuff…first aid, how to fix stupid injuries. and from what i have noticed about the army is that about half of their people do not stick up for other…makes for bad leadership, (trust me my direct boss is in the army.) another bad part about the army, for the first 3mths to a year you are treated like a child…not allowed to drive a car, or even IN a car. but if you dont mind all that go for it.

air force…BEST QUALITY OF LIFE OUT OF ALL THE SERVICES! very hard to get promoted…work with an airforce e3…when i got into my shop she was an e3 and i was an e1…now i am e4 and she is not looking at e4 untill around when i will get e5. so not a lot of money but TONS of good food and nice living qtrs.

marines…unless your crazy dont do it…they are fun to hang around with but unless you are very in shape and dont mind staying that way dont do the marnies.

navy…i like my job its very laid back…boot camp was easy, school was easy(and right next to the beach) and i got job offers for upwards for 100k…if you like working on computers its a fun job…and if you want to learn some cool stuff and feel importaint is also a cool job. not much really more i can tell you about my job if you want to know more ask a recuiter they will give you a little of a low down, or pm me and i will tell you a little more. another nice part about the navy, if you dont mind going out to a ship that you will get to see a LOT of cool things, i have a friend who has been in for 2 years and has already been to 15 countries and i am sure more because he is currently out. i am gonna be siging up for another 4 more year and getting a little more school, and a FAT bonus out of the navy here in less than a year.

but thats really all i have to rant about…feel free to pm me if you want any more info on any of the branches i can talk to the people i work with. but i would deffently recomend going to see a recuiter and seeing what you like the best…and take the asvbs to see what you can get.

actually its usually the better jobs that promote faster because the military does not pay that much so people with the chance to get a high paying civilian jobs get out and leave room for lower ranking people to move up.

and every service will give you a specific school in writing (assuming you score high enought of the asvab) but, the as far as i know the marines are the only ones that will change your job

thats funny, we were just talking about it the other night at work, i thought the same thing but…no the airforce has more that was just a rumor.

a Sgt. making 100k in the air force…i highly doubt it man…maybe in she was a full bird colonel…

my boss is a Senior Master Sgt. making only 70k a year

you damn right we have the best quality of life

FuzzyFish- Also with the Air Force, they a have a credited community college…all the training you get, you receive credits towards your CCAF degree

^^Cooter, wrong again lol.

With the Army, you get college credits for stuff you do. First Aid, moving up a rank etc…

yeah i forgot the army has like ERMU or something like taht…anyways Air Force> anyother branch


and how many people could say “i banged a different chick in 15 different countries”
i’m sure he has some good stories too, i know my brother does.

The airforce is such a waste. Theres really no use for it anymore. They shoudl do away with it and take all the money it gets each year and disperce it evenly around teh other branches.

i would have to say at one point in time they did…

way to contribute to the thread. are you even paying attention to the title? you ever met fuzzy? it’s funny watching him piss off customers when he suddenly forgets everything that’s going on :slight_smile:

Man forum must be in debate mode or something. :lol:

tell me some reasons why the AF is a waste???

any branch you go in it’s going to be slightly diffrent. I have nothing but love and respect for any one of my brothers in arms and i don’t think any one is better (unless were talking the diffrence between a mail clerk and delta force) … we all work in unison to support each other … from the lazy slob on the ship pushing buttons to the cocky apache pilot thinking he’s better than everyone to the dumb grunt on the ground thinking they’re both idots…

honestly just look for what suits you better… hell plus the air force has the best looking bitches for sure…

Thats what im saying all along…Someone who thinks the same as me…


^ mike ill never forget the phone call “what kind is it again you were saying make you last lkonger, im about to bang this super hot air force chic while we are in XXXXXX”


Just becasue your in the airforce, doesnt mean you get the bitces though.

Look at cooter…goin on an old age and still a virgin…hahaha, jk
