Questions about joining the military.

yeah ok ben…lol

fuzzy fish if you want PM me, ill tell you anything you want to know and im not a recruiter or anything either

but i work in the air force as a jet engine mechanic. i will tell you all my honest opinions and anything else you want to know. but i love it and joining was the best thing i’ve done for myself. i dont want to go on and on in this post, but ill go into more detail if you like

i went in with a GUARANTTED job, that i really like and enjoy, i knew EXACTLY what base i was going to and everything. I work 1 weekend a month, and a few weeks in the summer with the possibility of working more time as well.

you have tons of options for the military, there are active duty, reserves, national guard, then there are multiple branches, army, navy, air force, marine corps and coast guard, and all of those have different jobs, lifestyles and stations. the thing i suggest very strongly is DO THE RESEARCH and learn as much as you can about the pros and cons to each option.

edit: i’ll speak for cooter too, i know he likes his job as well :wink:

he only likes his job cause he has dual monitors…one for NYspeed, and one for the base email system…and a cushy chair to take multiple naps in…and a TV with the news on all day long. lol

i would like it too haha

I higly doubt and enlisted member besides a pentagon Sergeant Major is making over 70k. As an E-5 with all the extra pays that flight crew get, and in a war zone and those extra pays, i made 52k a year.

lol thats not a joke either, he emailed me at work like 8 times today


If you are still interested in this and have questions then PM me, I am in ARMY ROTC and contracted with the Army Reserves, there are a lot of good things about the military but you have to be serious and know for sure if you want to do it, if you have questions about what it is really like then let me know, I have a lotta info about it and have been doing it for 2 years, I know where you can find out answers I might not be sure about…

No offense, but the real military is a shade different than the reserves, I have done both, so I know. While you may be able to help with questions about the reserves, don’t give advice on the real deal, cause its a different ball game.

yeah thats for sure…just going from our guard base to an active duty base, you can see the big difference with people…

I was in the Army for 6.5 years and now I’m in the Air Force. All pay is the same across the board… I also have friends in my old Army unit who have been yanked out of their career field and sent over to Iraq to fulfill another MOS.

The Army had their fair share of Bull Shit let me tell you. I thought the grass was going to be different on the other side of the field. So I joined the Air Force reserves this time around. Let me tell you it’s not much greener. But they sure do treat there troops 10 times better then how I was treated in the Army. It’s a little bit more difficult to get promoted in the Air Force then the Army… Army hands out E-5 rank like candy now. Where as the Air Force you have to test for it.
If I could do it all over again I would have gone Air Force from the Get Go… Funny thing also is the unit I’m in is made up of prior Army and Marine Corps guys. You dont see many other branches switching to the Army…

PM if you want a little more info.

^^ yeah the air force for e-5 you have to pass ALS (airman leadership school)…

isnt the army’s motto “infantry first, specialty second”?

Ive heard the army really fucks people over

I’ve not herd that phrase, but its so very true. As an aviatior, my promotion was always based off another guys job requirements (infantry) which is stupid, cause you will be expected to lead aviators, not grunts. The army USED to be like the airforce, you needed PLDC graduation prior to being promoted, and i was promoted to e-5 under that system. Now with all of the mid career NCO’s running, they are promoting by Just slapping rank on soldiers, which makes for a shitty NCO, and many would never be NCO’s if they were required to go to school and pass. But the military is the military, once your out on the flight line is all business, no matter what branch.

It’s all about retention in the army now… Hell if I would have stayed in I would most likely be working on my E-7 now… :meh: I really do miss the Army. But after being fucked over time and time again, I’m happy I got out…

didnt read through the thread too much just wanna let you know joing is like buying a car. you hafta strike a deal with them. jus tdont say o ok that sounds good. you can wiggle pay and rank and shit like that outta them.

all i have to add is that my cousin (and her husband) bother went into the reserves and the whole time they swore to them it was just the reserves and they would never have to do anything more than the ‘1 weekend a month 2 weeks a year’ bullshit or whatever it is. well, my cousin got back from spending a year in Bosnia (been back for like a year now) and the only thing saving her from going back is shes pregnant. her husband on the other had, got deployed to Iraq a day after thye got married and he is still over there and gets shot at on a daily basis.