As long as you don’t like the water we are in business.
But for real whats going on over there? Was it just hype or is some shit really going down? I am kinda out of the loop.
As long as you don’t like the water we are in business.
But for real whats going on over there? Was it just hype or is some shit really going down? I am kinda out of the loop.
BPD says they got a tip yesterday afternoon that a gang that they refuse to name is trying to get into Buffalo, and will be initiating new members this weekend by having them rear-end people and assault them when they get out to inspect the damage.
It’s generally accepted that the gang is MS13 from Central America.
We’ll see if anything happens. I’m guessing nothing, in that either the tip was a false alarm or the whole thing gets called off given that everyone in Buffalo knows about it now.
on another note, they made it clear that if you want to pull some other shenanigans in buffalo and ensure that the city’s limited police presence is concentrated on looking for hispanics driving around, do this.
It was in a guitar case, which wasn’t locked. It was under my own accord that I told the cop, just because I wanted him to know, in order to make him feel more secure. It was unloaded, the clips and ammo with in a separate container, and I even pulled the bolt out and put it in my glove box, so the gun wasn’t even operable.
My post previous post wasn’t meant to be serious, it was meant to show what I thought was positive and negative, in a more humorous manor.
LOL I mean really i LOLed for real i did. LOL
That is some of the dumbest crap i have ever heard.
So I glanced down as I was reading and I swear I thought someone had registered the name “tubgirl”. Turns out it’s “dubgirl2008.” :lol:
Hi dubgirl2008!
this is an hour long documentary national geographic did on the gang.
also, i found this as well.
“Most of the Salvadorian refugees settled in the established Hispanic neighborhoods of the “Rampart” area of Los Angeles. However, Salvadorians were not readily accepted into the Los Angeles Hispanic community, and were frequently targeted by local Hispanic gangs. As a result, in the late 1980s, some refugees and refugee members of La Mara and FMNL formed what is now known as the Mara Salvatrucha (MS)”
great! cop pulls up at light. cop runs my plate. cop arrest me for my last name.
its to cold here for them
isn’t your last name native american though?
“In general, Mara Salvatrucha members show no fear of law enforcement. They are not easily intimidated and frequently act defiantly. Mara Salvaltrucha gang members have been responsible for the execution of three federal agents and numerous shootings of law enforcement officers across the country. MS gang members have been known to booby-trap their drug stash houses using antipersonnel grenades on the assumption that these structures will be searched by law enforcement. MS members at one time often bragged of assaulting law enforcement officers as a means of showing their loyalty and commitment to the gang. However, these claims have never been confirmed.”
“If a gang member is deported to El Salvador, there is a chance they will be targeted by the Sombra Negra (Black Shadow) death squad. Sombra Negra and similar groups are legendary in Central America. Gangsters and citizens alike believe that the Sombra Negra is made up of rogue cops and military personnel who target unwanted criminals and gang members for vigilante “justice.” While the presence of these death squads is officially denied by the governments of Central American countries, many MS members in the U.S. believe these groups exist, and fear that they will be targeted after being deported.”
Goes along with Jays quote, they could care less for law enforcement who must abide by rules, but send a vigilante group after them who cares just as little as they do, and they are just like the rest of us.
so uh, the real question is, will they get drivers licenses?
^^ nice
i got lucky
the only real gangs are the high school gangs that exist on MySpace.
Oh right, I’m sure the Fresh Boys from Tonawandaare eager for their initiations into MS13 this weekend. :lol: