Buffalo Police Safety Alert

lmao at WC’s with gang signs…

this thread is great entertainment at work…

awww jeeze… these guys are crazy

OMG that whitechicks video was hilarious!



well served


with all the youtube links it was bound to show up eventually. nicely done



and just because It’s funny

back on topic

And to make things worse they were found here this afternoon

FGGT! The one time I have my volume on at work… :zong:

I dont know what you’re talking about, it was a link to a news report?!?

that was awesome

haha got me too, goddamn that shits annoying lol.

that mother fucker

hahaha, nice one rob

hey, could of been worse… meatspin or lemonparty is no joke

lol stupid faggots , go tatoo a dick on your forehead or something.I hope i never come into contact with one , because i will kill them or die trying . We really need more tighter and a larger presence of boarder patrol and customs in this country.The united states also needs to realize that when you let in large quantities of immigrants from any country because you think that you can get cheap labor out of it or it will boost your shitty economy , bad shit is going to happen i dont give a shit where there from. Even if you let in a bunch of daigo’s , polacks, or micks over (which 95% of all of us are at least one of those), bad shit is still gonna happen.

As if we dont have enough to worry about with the fuckin arabs coming here and blowing shit up and starting new bullshit, now we gotta worry about this shit.:shoot: them all. Haha hopefully they eventually get this shit under control for good

here we go…

:rofl: I don’t think you spelled anything over 4 letters long correctly. Spend less time swinging your e-dick and more time learning books. :tup:

EDIT: There a spent a minute highlighting the errors that can easily be pointed out. That doesn’t really touch on the less than desirable sentence structure or even the message you are attempting to convey.

im at work and typing fast. Swinging my e dick lolol , nah this kinda shit just makes me want to because a boarder patrol agent more and more.