Buffalo Police Safety Alert

faggot is spelled right…

holy misspelled ethnic slurs

I was thinking the same thing.:lol:

It’s an “Urban Legend” according to Tallahassee & Fayetteville police.
Willmington & Charlotte police call it “a HOAX”.

“car bump”
From Snopes.com


Yeah yeah, I know. This shit pisses me off too.

ya know, I was going to question it myself. On the documentary I watched, it said that they get beat by the gang for 13 second minimum for initiation.

Why does every gang you see or hear about in the movies or on like the news or something have the most retarded initiation? Getting beaten by the rest of the gang you are trying to become a part of for less than 1/3 of a minute? Lol thats kind of pointless. I mean maybe it shows some physical toughness or something but getting beaten, while possibly greatly out numbered for a short period of time doesn’t really make any sense to me.

I hate you. I ended the process, restarted firefox and accidentally hit “restore session” AND IT FUCKING DID IT AGAINNNNNN!!!

LOL same exact thing i did

I dont know why you are so upset over a news report about gangs?!

i’m upset because i did not want this boner right now.

lol im at work and im on the computer when im not supposed to be give me a (brake)! haha jk



Wow, all the hate…

hahahahahaha doofy rules

fuck… fuck fuck fuck…

i hate this thing. and i knew it was coming. and then i hold down the enter button to get threw that pop up crap, and at the end it goes back to this site, where i’m still on the link, and opens like 20 of the damn webpage b4 i realize.

i hate you sooo much.

+1 for you and
-1 for me not reading the other posts.