Hey dumbass, if you had ever been out of Buffalo you’d realize that left exits are a pretty common thing. Hell even Rochester has them down and it’s a shit hole!


Since when do I live in the southtowns?

Manifesto, huh?
That was you end all be all manifesto?
Drown yourself.

Damn right I am sweet.
I have heard plenty about your shenanigans.

Anyone remember when being a hot dog was a compliment?
HA, Maybe in Archie comics…

you have obviously never been to cleveland…

:snky::snky: you cant fix a cunt

Everybody here already drives in the passing lane anyways.

I would not say this area is completely un-savable, it could come back but too many corrupt people with there hand in the till and as well too many lazy fucks who don’t want to do shit and lets not forget the artsy lets save a fucking building that nooooo one ever fucking uses because it’s “historic” never mind the fact that it would 3x times as much to renovate versus knocking it down (and just for face keeping a part of the old structure thus giving some old look n feel with some nice new look.

As you can tell i have a rather pissed off pessimistic view but I see this city/area with just so much potential and resources to give and it never going to happen… just look at the inner harbor… peace bridge these are things that have been in talks since i was in fucking high school for fucks sake and still they continue to babble and bitch and moan…

In conclusion as much as i want to stay I really hope my relo with TW comes thru for the Denver area… not sure if i can become a Avalance fan yet though…