We on the map!

Old news but Buffalo is the best commuter city. Over 1/2 the residents spend 20 min or less in traffic a day.

Well, it is a city that was built for twice the population.

and the traffic still pisses me off.


thats because their is no one in it


lol at what newman is really lolling.


I can’t believe how gay they are all their.

Wow Joplin Missouri has the lowest cost of living. It’s really affordible (sic) their.

their is no reason to be so excited about this.

i get so pissed off in the morning…

I just wonder what driving school taught people to merge onto 55 mph highways at 30 mph and if there is someone coming, slam on the brakes on the onramp.

My commute is down Main. Apparently no one has an issue catching every single light from buffalo to willyville, and doesnt understand if you speed up slightly faster than a '82 yugo, and go 5 mph over, you will ride a wave of green.

that is one of the many things I miss about Buffalo. I can get from one end of Buffalo to the other in 20 minutes and the same distance here in myrtle beach takes me 45 minutes.

I was pissed friday @330 when some asshole thought it would be cool to flip over there car on the 90 …

I miss the lack of buffalo traffic. :frowning:

The size of Houston over Buffalo still amazes me.

At least 95% of people here believe that a speed limit is generally 20mph too low. Rush hour traffic thousands of cars, average speed 80 mph. lol

:word: I’ve noticed that too,

Richmond rush hour runs the speed limit, Charlotte averages 70 and DC averages like 80 as well… It’s weird how different cities very.

This is why we can’t have nice public transportation. There’s no need. I laugh every time someone says Buffalo needs to invest in public transportation as a way to improve the city. I like to keep my horse in front of the cart.