And i thought the traffic on the 90\290 sucked....

And i thought the traffic on the 90\290 sucked…jesus…

no traffic lights! sweeeet.

Thats crazy!

Buffalo traffic, please…

Try Atlanta, Chicago, NYC, LA, Houston, Dallas, etc. All, i have been in and all suck 1348736245245724784X more than Buffalo traffic. Consider yourself blessed if you drive in “Buffalo rush hour”.:rofl:

Yea very true, my soph year of HS, well the summer of, i went to NYC to visit my cousin. Took us an hour to get 14 miles back to his appt from the airport, it was freakin insane traffic.

I can’t believe they do that everyday…Thats just nuts

haha i love the people on foot just running throught the midst of it all…also wanna see one of those bikers just eat it…yeah im cruel

they look like ants lol

true… but then again, dealing with everything else in buffalo offsets it lol

That would be sweet but, people in the US don’t have enough common sense or common courtesy to make that work.
We NEED the government to tell us when to stop and go.
Watching that video makes you realize what fat, out of shape, gas guzzlers we Americans are.:biglaugh:

I can understand all the bikes getting along together because it’s a mutual destruction concept. You hit me, we both crash, and all these other bikes run us over. But how the buses and cars can interact with that traffic simply amazes me.

lol wonder how many traffic accidents occour each day

buffalo doesnt have rush hour…

traffic in honolulu is pretty crappy too

they are ants (Bill Gates - Family Guy)