you think WE have bad traffic?

When you say “WE”, who are you refering to?

If anyone from Buffalo thinks we have bad traffic, they are a moron.

im in san antonio lol… i mean we as in the US

My sister lives in Virginia and works at a hospital in D.C. Takes here 2 hrs to get there during the week and 15 mins on the weekends.No way in hell that is worth it.
She paid around $150k for her house like 10-15 yrs ago and I guess it is worth around $450K now(about 200k around here).I keep telling her to sell it and go work in a smaller town where she could build a beautiful 300K house,pay cash,and work at different place making a bit less I’m sure but damn it would have to be worth it.

kind of like LA

The US has some of the best traffic in the world because we’re so spread out.

here are some san diego shots:

how many more people are living in those places than around here? if we had a million people trying to get into downtown buffalo to go to work, it would be a clusterfuck just the same.

not complaining tho!

Thats why im glad I live in the country. Fuck that city shit.