Buffalo sports clubs? lacrosse/flag football/volleyball

looking to get involved in some club sports. after recently getting back from boston, where rec sports are INSANELEY POPULAR. made me jealous and made me think of college and how active i was, and how active i am not now…blah blah blah.

so does anyone know of a general club that organizes these sports? lacrosse would be the tits. any input would be appreciated. i already googled and got to buffaloathomeDOTcom. but that site sucks, and i am hoping the picking arent as slim as that site lets on.

thanks everyone!

i did a flag football league i forgot the name of it right now…but it’s on wherle past transit and a little farther down than the golf dome…it was a good time

Epic Center


ok, so flag football. who wants in? i want to play, now i need some people to throw me the ball :slight_smile:

Session # League Starts League Ends Number of Games Team Fee Registration Deadline
One 9-6-05 10-30-05 8 $645 8-23-05
Two 10-31-05 1-8-06 8 $645 10-17-05
Three 1-9-06 4-30-06 12 $895 12-26-05

I would play football buddy! I like it when u are my reciever :slight_smile: But seriously I would be down…maybe yelocity and gsx would be in as well

<---- QB in HS…i would like to play

YES…epic center…thanks chris…

and i am so down for flag football

me and my crazy RB skills…:snky:

ok, so i can stay organized, anyone who wants to play flag football should PM me. i will tally a list and get details from epic center. i am doing some research on the ymca right now.

