Buffalo Spree says East Aurora = hippies


buffalo spree still has it wrong.

EA = Scammahz, Green Scammahz


Looks that way, He just told me last week he turned a new leaf and was sending me a check… still waiting. But Ill let you all know if it does ever arrive!


Yea thanks, First time I was ever scammed. EA changed the way I do biz

^^^^ Lol. I don’t hang out with him anymore… lol According to the facebook Feb 25 those two were hanging out

We will see how the weather is for a BBQ sometime soon.:beer2:
I will have my tinfoil hat collection on display for everyone.

Edit; The green issue also includes a local guy making bio for his VDub.

Man, I group up in EA. A lot has changed since I left in 1994… wow 14 years ago.

group up?

I think he meant Grope.:stuck_out_tongue:

You end up doing any solar panels? I remember you were looking into it at one point.

I read something funny over the weekend. The CO emissions from a single person taking an international flight, like the one Al Gore took from his home in Nashville to Norway to accept his Nobel Prize, is enough to run the average American home and car for a full year.

CAFE for planes?

I don’t have time right now but I will post later aboot the roi of solar panels.

Dam it!! thats what I get for a liquid lunch…

yeah I always said I would raise my kids in EA when the day came…but that shit isn’t looking that good anymore…

God damn hippies…

I hate hippies…

Where is that Slayer cd?

That won’t get public officials reelected.

of course not, and thats all that counts, unfortunately :picard:

it would make sense though, planes are such a huge one-time capital investment already, and are run damn near constantly. A marginal increase in purchase price to increase fuel economy would actually result in cost savings for the airlines fairly quickly. It’s like the whole “trading in your car for one with better gas mileage doesn’t make sense unless you drive constantly” argument. Planes do drive constantly. Do jet engine manufacturers even give a shit about fuel economy and greenhouse gases?

Well, I’ve read quite a few technical based articles about jet engine companies working to increase fuel economy. Also about the industry trying to make viable additives or replacements (Ethanol et al). The new Boeing that is in rollout is touted so, because it is so much lighter then predecessors.

You gotta remember - the airline industry as a whole has been strapped for cash since 9/11… so every dollar counts. When you’re talking about a 5% increase in fuel economy on something that burns 1000s of lbs of fuel per day, it adds up. They know this, and are working actively on it (at least according to the PR folks who feed PopSci & the like)… but I’m sure that this is more related to bottom line then it is CO.


I’m sure they’re just as happy increasing their “fuel surcharge” on customers by 5%. When one does it, they all do, so it’s not like they lose business.

That was the usual practice… but the turnstyles numbers were so low for years, i dunno if they have the balls to keep doing that.

As it is, they have to use those surcharges to cover increase in the cost of fuel…