Buffalo Wind Storm November 2015

It’s crazy out there. I tried to get down to the lake but all the parks / Erie Basin is closed. Route 5 is flooded:

Waves over this restaurant:

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Damn, what building is that in the 5th pic?

Canal Side going under!

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So far:


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I don’t know, I’m just aggregating interesting pictures into this thread.

Bring the canal back they said, it will be fun they said…

Where are all the jetski guys? I wanna see some GoPro showboating

Edit: It would be siqqqqq to jump the flooded breaker wall

Yeah, Josh is all show. If he really had a pair we’d see some helmet cam vids.

Where is my " lets go Jetting the waves are over the break wall text?"


Wind mills don’t like wind, they should be called breeze mills.

My gazebo did not survive.

Good thing it wasn’t cold enough to create lake effect. Could have been quite the clusterfuck.

I’m disappointed.


Haha yeah If any of the jetski guys went out yesterday we would have died. Although I did have the idea to stage it as if it looked like we were going in, but again all parks were closed. We probably could have launched right from the 2nd floor window at Hoak’s though, lol.

I saw. RIP