neat thread indeed.
is “coaching” allowed? lol…
Kollo i have 4 top mount high impedance 550cc FC (rx7) injectors in good shape if you’re in need. BTW the diff on the car is an S13 VLSD - sell that shit since you’re using the S14
Thanks for the thanks as well lol
Add me to your build off lol but you guys will probably win.
so the one in the pignose is vlsd?
and i`ll have pics up within the next week or so just pulled my motor and droped rear end going to melt bushings out lol and just picked up a welder to fix some rust
^ sounds good man, fixing rust always makes you feel better about everything…
more PICZZ!!
i know i know while taking the motor out we got about 100+pics so im just sorting
I need Andrew (KA24Power) to approve, as he was the one that would have put it in but I’m 95% sure its a S13 ABS VLSD
you have 100+ pics and i want them john. send them alllll mwahahaha. btw i have have more pics.from yesterday’s motor pull. thats makes this the 3rd ka i have pulled in 2 weeks. btw your gay. flame on flame boy.(kollo) lisa said to say that.
u gota come by…come check out whats up
shoot me a text tommorrow ill stop by after work i lost ur number lolz