Building a buisness website.

I need to make a website for my business, any recommendations on “website builders” worth using?

I’ve used WIX before and it was super easy, but I have a more experience than most. If I had to recommend a site for someone who’s never done their own I’d say WIX.

Or you can spend 10x more and find a professional to build it. Or 10x LESS and find the nerdy kid on the street to do it.

Thanks. I’m pretty nerdy myself, but I haven’t built a website in awhile. I feel I need a pretty basic website, I’d like to put pictures, a logo, information, Mobile phone friendly with a call now link that someone can click on their phone and it dials the number.

Websites for trades are super basic. Half of them look like they were built by 15 year olds and these are for relatively large and successful companies.

If it were me I would just do it myself and see how the business goes.

That’s what I’d like to do, I want to build it myself but I don’t know if there is a particular (diy)website building service people could recommend.

Use wordpress if you are capable of creating your own content.

Do you own the domain?

I don’t own a domain. Is there an all in one service that allows you to pick the url, and then build the website and you pay whatever like $10/month. That’s kinda what I’m looking for, I still haven’t researched anything yet.