Built a custom K20 turbo manifold for 6SPD EG

I cant wait to get this manifold on the car Chris! Then i can bring it to my boy YO SOLO in the city to get her tuned. Im gonna be in some NYCE1’S videos as well.

lol took you 10 minutes too come up with that huh? Why dont you not talk shit because i dont say shit to you?

bunk shit, you say?

THERE’S your bunk shit.

Thats good im not on ebay coilover level just yet? Thanks guys

I wouldn’t rag on Yo Solo, all joking aside, they have some SERIOUS K series cars running around…including a high 11’s bolt-on K20z1.:ohnoes Debating on going there for my tune.

hot and heavy getten sweaty.


Yo solo is no joke… Thats where im getting my car tuned. No doubt about it!!

I was on the phone with Go-Autoworks

Nah just the ebay OBX junk…look over my car now and pick one thing that’s junk. Please.



everytime a thread splits the action dies… way to go.

You know what your right man. Im sorry im going to go and buy an a2 swap, and nice turbo kit. Hold on im gonna go ask my parent for their credit card.


lol dude you know he pays for his shit just as much as me and you

i’d so rather do that then bust my ass working… don’t lie you would too.

ok well ill end this buy logging off. ill be over i need my jack and stands for tommorow.

I know lol fail kramer.

You do that. I’m sorry I didn’t cut corners and cheap out on anything this time around, I’m also sorry my income is strong.

Get him a tissue, will ya?

lol im tearing up, because i care so much.

Oh wait. Sorry to dissapoint.

Yo solo

yo solo is where it’s at…midnight auto too…both know how to get the all motor K’s going. Those are my two options.

My two options are as follows

Synapse Motorsport


Synapse Motorsport
