Built a custom K20 turbo manifold for 6SPD EG

Got bored and decided to try making a manifold for this k20, its a lil close to the firewall but nothing we cant bang outta the way


not bad for the first try, anyone want me to fab them up a manifold let me know!

very nice… welds look top notch. PM me for a price on a sidewinder

uhhhhh…WHAT THE FUCK!!!

PM me a price…Any guarantees on price matching? Greg over at Go-Autoworks is supposed to fab me something similar for around $2500 w/ a Bullseye turbocharger. LMK


Prices wil be compettative, ill do a sidewinder for $100 less than synapse sells them for.

I do also offer lifetime guarantees

Whats the price tag on this gem?

complete kits being sold? or just manifolds? Price on complete kit and options for turbo chargers please.

luckily you got the test manifold so you dont owe me anything, but Shift price will be $700+tax

Lmfao. I need you to fab me up some charge piping, downpipe etc

Would you be interested in building a RB25 manifold for twin Holset HX35 turbos?


Im interested in something for a GT40 on the T&C. You have PM.

He cant match that price joey thats what im telling you. Plus calling greg means you have to pull that fat cock out of your ass.

^wtf??? :rofl

our snow blower is broken can you make it into a golf cart for me? pm me with price.

He’s just huffy because his boy Greg has some bunk shit.


not takin anyone’s side but that comeback sucked.

OBX branded comeback…