Built My Own Racing Wheel Setup

word i didnt realize have a light seat would be beneficial in racing video games too…

weight reduction FTW!

Wow, that heat vent in the middle of your floor fucking sucks.

I still need to finish it with something so that it covers the white PVC. I was thinking black paint, but i want something that won’t chip-off and then really look like shit.

Any ideas???


some good info here

it’s in the nerd corner…

you mean one of these?

That’s pretty bad-ass. I’m thinking about doing this to the spare Corolla I have.

The problem with those playseats is they don’t have a spot for the shifter assembly…

now, to build a beer holder

People like to ignore that detail like when I posted my GT4 drift video. Screw it though.

good job on the PVC cockpit :tup: