Built My Own Racing Wheel Setup

Total cost ~$50.00. Took me about 8 hours total to design and assemble. I thought about buying one but, figured it would be more fun to make my own.

Made it from 1 1/2" PVC and 3/4" plywood. The pedals can be moved to the closer rail for kids to use. The seat is adjustable 14" forward/back. The wheel and shifter are fixed but seem to work for most. Don’t mind the messy floor, i was drilling and plastic/wood chips got all over.

I have a 52" Sony HD tv and the height of the seat puts your eye level right in the center of the screen.

Been playing Need4Speed ProStreet and that 6 speed shifter/clutch is friggin awesome! It’s the Logitech G25. I use it with my PS3.

its too bad GT5 wont use the logitech G25…

How come all my friends are using the G25 on GT5P with no issues?

prove it because there are people using it with prolouge/the demo, I don’t see why it wouldn’t continue into the fullgame.

im lazy, ill take one :slight_smile:

you would probably get filthy rich if you marketed these. guaranteed.

edit: id buy one.

you nerd :stuck_out_tongue:

nice work…but with all the time put into this, you couldn’t find a more comfortable looking chair?

That looks sick. Can you make a parts list?

Parts list:

PVC Pipe
Zip Ties

Nice Sony. KP-51WS500?

looks good man :tup:

you like the G25? Does it feel like a real clutch?

I was looking for an actual seat out of a car to use. The computer chair is actually quite comfortable and light.


I have the same exact set. If you haven’t done it I highly suggest doing a manual convergence through the service menu. It’s time consuming but the set will look brand new when you’re done.

It is very realistic…i am more than happy with it. All the pedals have a different feel/pressure to them.

check out this link…

Yeah…i did that and it did take awhile, but definitely made the picture look much better.

i thought this thread was going to be about a steering wheel you made for your car.

haha thats awesome.

lmfao thats awesome man!! good job :tup: