The Only Time It is Okay to Drink and Drive

Hey Guys,

I want to show you a project of mine that i just completed. Bought myself a PS3 a couple weeks ago in anticipation of Grand Turismo coming out soon.

This is the ONLY time it is okay to drive drunk…lol
Here it is:

This is one of my first metal projects. Bought a welder for myself back in the summer and still need some practise before i go building my cage :rolleyes: I thought i’d try something a little less critical…lol I used 1"x1" thin walled square tubing and powdercoated satin black to match my leather chair. It surprising light for close to 40ft of square tubing it took to make this.

The steering wheel is awesome. Force Feedback. The wheel gets harder to turn in the corners and centers itself just like real life. The pedals are dampened, The steering is covered in suede and the shifter is leather.

I’m not even a video games guy. The last game i bought before the PS3 was NHL 93 when i was 8!! I think i had more fun building this then i will playing the game.

I own prologue and Grid already which are awesome. Anyone know when Grand Turismo is due out? I hear amazing things of Grand Turismo V though.

Brightside Coatings

Nice, well right now theres just prolouge and its updates…for the full GT5 game your going ot have to wait a while …some romours are as earyl as spring 09 …others say winter 2010… so dont hold your breath for the full game …but…sick chair! video games are a good winter passtime when the car is in storage …thats for sure!

lol thats fuckin sick

that is a sick way to spend winter…i think ima do that as well lol

when can I order mine lol.

whats with the cheap ass beer u deserve a BUD after building that lol

That will do some damage when you get pissed off at the game and throw it. lol

last thing you should have made it true JDM tyte and did the RHD. lol :slight_smile:

BUD, you deserve a premium brand like heiniken, corona or a steam whistle if you want somthing local lol. all jokes aside the only thing i would add to you design is to find some way to anchor it to you chair so it does not move at all. wicked project tho.


made mine out of a front clip. its even better, cause your sitting in a real car lol

^^sick idea, get some pics of that

in my dads basment with the projector and suround sound

I was going to do anchor it to the chair but i didn’t want to modify the chair. This way i could store the thing when it is not being used. Instead i used large rubber feet that hold it in positon under its own weight. It works well.

I’ve had the stuff in the fridge since the summer…lol Its alright once in a while or for guests…:rolleyes:…lol. So they don’t drink my good stuff!! No thanks to the BUD but Steam Whistle and Corona are good.

I had originally made plans to make the shifter reversable but it proved to be just too awkward with cable routing and some sort of tool free disconnect. So i said screw the RHD and welded it straight on.

nice set up. should be well worth it for gran turismo.

Looks sick, only problem i c is that the frame isn’t tied into the seat or hooked on, if you play like i do, the whole base is gonna start moving away from you every time you press the brake pedal. Happens to me every time, hence why i wanna build something like this except outta wood, because i can’t weld, and using a s13 seat. Prolouge kinda sucks, we can’t drive any of the cars we want to, and we can’t even modify them properly

very cool. drive rfactor with us every sunday night :smiley:

The rubber feet grip well and it doesn’t seem to be a problem. Had a bunch of people over last night and got pretty sloppy drunk but she held up pretty good:) I think i need to upgrade to at least another cup holder though:D

Heard of rfactor, Never played it though. Isn’t a hardcore simulator or something like that?

now they only need to make a car game that uses a clutch, 2 pedal is tight but we want the real deal…maybe add an E brake?.LOL

the new logitech ( can’t remember the series) has the 3rd clutch pedal and optional paddle shift.