bullet-hole Z33

ugh, no one was trying to kill anyone likely.

they stole it, joy rided it, stripped what they want, and then had target practice with it…

johnny tran style yo

you rang?:shoot:

I’m suprised that no one has brought up ‘speed holes’ yet.

I’m going with joyride → target practice. And as long as the frame’s in good condition and they don’t mind spending the time to repair the necessary, it was probably a great deal for their project.

speed holes was brought up once in this thread and at least once in every other thread showing these images.

i think most people didnt mention them because its just so obvious because everyone knows that the Simpsons permeates through every corner of our vocabulary. whats more is that that particular comment in that particular episode was just so hilarious at the time that it has lost all of its kitsch…

by that i mean that only the more obscure references to simpsons dialogue is now funny… all the obvious shit is for ghey people… things like Doh! and speed holes and anything Ned Flanders ever did.

however, comments like eat my shorts and dont have a cow man are SSSOOOO cliched that they are once again funny, whereas 6 years ago you would be ghey for thinking they were funny.

i dont see any any key?

You sure that thing didn’t fall on your head too Bing?