bullet-hole Z33

Check this out


that is nuts, just look at all the bullet holes. it reminds me of a car at a local wreckers that a friend was looking at and actually pulled a section of human spinal cord off of the driver’s seat… ie… some people had to die in that Z…

says they ordered new body panels but it would also be kinda sorta funny to just leave a bunch of the bullet holes in the car. its cool now right? people actually pay for bullet hole stickers at autozone and Wal-Mart.

select pics:



But at least they have their priorities straight… first things first boys… forget the chassis and the glass… lets slap some wheels and the motor in now.



fuck yeah rb26


looks like ps’s to me.

well the two that you posted.

strip, polish, and clearcoat.
then never drive it over 65 or die from the fucking whistling air :lol:
wtf happened during the theft recovery?

Damn… I dunno, there are holes all around the car. If you were going to kill someone in it, you’d aim for where they sit, not EVERY pannel on the car. I think someone just shot up the car without someone in it. They definitly aimed to screw it up because they shot at the motor through the hood.

Did you click the link? :ham:

that’s why i clearly said… " Well the two that you posted…" meaning the ones that he posted in his thread look like a photoshop… i mean cmon. look at the wheel pic and tell me that DOES NOT look like a photoshop :ham:

josh… have you ever fired an automatic rifle? if not, then i can see why you’d think that.

All I have to say is WHY would you start a project off a chassis with THAT much damage? Even if its “fixed”, it will never be right and will always have corrosion issues in the places you cant really get to.

maybe because they only want to go fast?

WHY would you start a project with a dodge.

i can say it too.


Newman is right… about everything… it was a baby ox.


stating the obvious.

i’m thinking it would be super sweet to strip the car down… leave all the bullet ridden body panels and take the whoel thing in for sand or media blasting…

put all the fresh panel they had to get like the hood and front bumper on… replace the glass and then jsut paint right over the bullet holes… esentially leaving the wholes but getting rid of the rust… those holes have a ton of character… heck, people are paying $40 for bullet-hole stickers at autozone these dyas anywho.

drop the RB in it and beat the muther-fuking shit out of it like someone is shooting at you… which, coincidentally enough, wouldnt be that hard to fake.

those arent bullet holes…

they are speed holes, duh

Because my Dodge doesnt have 1600 holes in it, thats why.

Thanks, but I’ll take any fast car that ISNT riddled in holes. That chassis should have been crushed, for everyones safety.

It doesn’t


well i guess you don’t have to worry about swiss cheesing the panels to make it lighter