Bunch of Lotus' racing...CRAZY!

Not sure if this is the right place to post this(i think it is), but I love this video

wow the camera car driver is incredible…to get out of those tight crowds… :tup:

too bad the vid quality itself was kinda shitty…


but good video

this is an automotive forum, some car stuff can go “in” topic…

great vid, have seen it before :slight_smile:

You and your silly logic.


Yeah ive seen that video before, too

Awesome vid

I love watching people beating on lotuses. A vid like this was posted on the elise board, and people freaked out. I hate lotus owners.

lotus owners are awesome, OH my god I got a chip in my paint what do I do… threads rock hard

I love pointing out that it’s a dime a dozen celica engine at any chance i get. It really pisses people off. God.

and celica engines don’t even have vtec


but yea the driver of the red elise is crazy faster than the other guys

celica engines have variable valve timing