Amazing driver, cool video, that’s about all I can say.


that was sick

Wow, great vid :tup:

damn hes fucking smooth in the heavy volume… im amazed

now, that’s driving :tup:

That was amazing as all hell.


that guy has some BALLS



Wow that was some tight racing. That track isn’t very wide at all.


I agree

nice vid.

makes you wonder why he was at the back of the pack

reminds me so much of GT4

Tight driving :tup: He got to the front by taking many other driver’s lines and forcing them to the outside. Ballsy, because he put a great bit of trust on the other drivers, but effective.

Probably screwed up qualifying or got caught cheating and was penalized. You know how it is with tech inspections.

newman, you’re supposed to wait til the fucking snow clears! btw, sick video…

did he swap paint with that first yellow one when he took him on the right?

he seemed to have a faster entry speed than the others. what’d he have that they didnt?

Damm thats some tight racing :tup: nice drivin