Bunch Of Scrap (wood, metal, corian)

I’m cleaning out my garage and I have a ton of scrap I want to get rid of.

-wood in all sizes, some with nails, a good portion without
-tons of “b-grade” corian used for countertops, large and small pieces. a bunch of
-random pieces of metal and some really thin metal sheets that i have no clue what you’d use them for.
-old pre-formed cardboard boxes- would be good for burning

everything located in amherst. can take pictures of everything if anyone is interested. don’t come look and take one thing, i need this all gone.

wood and boxes:

thin sheet metal:

can you be more specific about the metal thats available? any dimensions?

in for pics of corian

in for pics of corian (is it good enough to make a couple of laundry room work surfaces in a finished basement?)

the metal i have is just random small pieces mostly. i have a few long thin rods and a 6 foot hollow pipe and prolly a few other miscellaneous things, mostly things i would take to a scrap yard if i had a truck. the thin sheets are about 1/16 inch thick, you can see them behind everything in the pics.

the corian should be ok for what you’re looking for tpgsr, pretty sure this stuff can be sanded down to remove any scratches and clean up the edges.

have someone coming saturday from work to grab some of the corian, gonna make this first come first serve. uploading pics now

bump! whatever doesn’t go will be out to the curb!

have a co-worker coming saturday for some corian and maybe some other stuff and possibly another person coming to snag some wood.

corian and most of the metal gone.

all that’s left is the wood, the boxes, and three large metal pieces