Burger King going out of business?

This is got to be the 5th Burger King location in Buffalo I have seen closed

what is going on? I’m going to miss the chicken fries

yea i’ve seen a few closing too? i don’t see how…

It’s the vegetarians doing it. It’s a conspiracy I think… lol

Which one is closing? I dont get it either cause its craploads better than mcdonalds burgers.

Meh, i try to avoid fast food as much as possible

i wish there were more BKs by me… but there isn’t.

Despite my appearance :X I haven’t had fast food in a long time. I have noticed a ton of BK’s closing though. The one on Union past George Urban was closed for a little while then demolished and rebuilt/updated. Maybe many of these older ones are doing the same?

I doubt the whole company is going out of business. I think they’re just closing their underperforming locations. They just build the new location across from the Boulevard Mall.

McDonald’s knocked down their building near the Blvd. Mall, I assume they’re rebuilding in the same spot. Probably needed to renovate to include better parking and add the prey, I mean play area. :naughty:

Its wendy’s they gotta worry about!


the ones out here in the stix are still open. i’m not uge on fast food but their spicy tendercrisp is pretty f’in good.

That’s exactly what they’re doing. I know a couple people that work(ed) for that location.
As for BK, I never really liked their stuff. There isn’t one within 3 miles of me, and there are tons of other fast food joints that are closer than that. I have Wendy’s, McDonalds, Mighty Taco, Subway, Quiznos, Arby’s, and Tim Horton’s all walking distance from work, and less than 2 miles from home.