
That is pretty damn big and cool.
ouch! warn us if its not 56k ready. my internet just took the biggest dump ever.
new look
same average fast food taste
The tables and chairs suck.
Damn… I could go for a nice Double Whopper with cheese with poutine combo with a extra large coca cola!
That’s nice and all. But it’s pretty stupid. Like c’mon, it’s Burger King.
It looks like my schools caf…
where is this!?
MMMmmm. whopper! looks good. Exterior is looking like its Kelseys or summin.
Yeah it looks like they are going for more of a restraunt feel, maybe to alter your brain waves into thinking their food is good
lol i wonder if they will have waitresses that will come and take your orders at your table.
It’s to battle with McD’s… seen the new ones? They are pretty nice
Yeah man, the one by me, they have couches, fire places and plasma’s, its pretty nice
Not bad… I still go to BK just because its more filling than McD’s at similar or lesser price (excluding spending $6 on 4 things on the value menu lol)
What really should try to improve is Taco Bell and KFC… All the KFC’s and Taco Bells I’ve been to in the GTA, as well as the west end has been disgusting as shiit… No one cleans up, if they do, its half assed…
Definitely a nice overhaul but BK is still the worst fast food joint in Canada
Taco bell, KFC and Pizza Hut are all one company and it’s for sale. Taco bell and KFC stores are dump’s that for shure, I think it all starts with management, when the managers are shit what do you expect from the employees? Every time I used to go to the Taco bell in Kipling north of rexdale they always and I mean ALWAYS!!! Every time they would screw up my order… And another thing, have you ever noticed most people that work at these places are only there for about a month. That’s the problem with these revolving door places, they go threw people like crazy and that’s why they always have new people working that keep screwing up orders.
They should keep the people who are good workers and pay them more so they stay and not quit a month later…that’s my 2 cents.
You can always depend to BK for a SOLID EAT!