New Burger

I got a survey in my email this morning with questions about a new burger for Burger King, it looks good but the King Size one is insane.

It’s called the Rouser because it “arouses” your taste sensations lol.

It’s gonna arouse a heart attack too… Jesus that looks tasty though!!

mmm burger king.

4 patties!?!?! holy jeez! whoever goes for seconds after having that thing will die the same day of a fart-and-heart attack.

got paid $2.00 for the survey :tup: i’ll prob. try one once they release it, just the lower end one though.

mmmmm beef

I would eat that 4 patty monster without much recourse…i work in fast food, im immune to such related health problems

They needed to one up Wendy’s

too bad their Beef tastes like ass and always leaves a strange aftertaste in my mouth

That looks nasty…

I’d rather stick to my #7, with the .99 nuggets at wendys or ARBY’s melts…
NOw thats off the hook…:eekdance:

so is it ass aftertaste or something else howie?

that does look good, mmmmmmmmmmm

wendys is too greasy tho, the whole bottom bun is saturated with theyre triple burger. I just ring the grease out and have at it, a bit more time consuming, but worth it.

as gross as it sounds … i made that once before. it’s filthy!!! DO NOT TRY!! lol

that thing is as big as Newman!

yuck yuck yuck

o man, must try that

one bacon double cheesburger has 540 calories then if you add the extra 240 for 2 more beef patties, 40 forbacon and 90 from cheese it is 1010 calories for the quadra bacon cheese burger(that is half your daily value from one burger, no drink no fries)

“quadra bacon cheese burger” That sounds so bad ass.

see, the problem I always seem to have with wendys is that the bun is always wet (like from water)… so I dont go there much these days.

and dont even get me started on arbys’… if you value your sense of smell, you wont go near me a few hours after eating an arbys roast beef melt

I’ll second that…So wat does one of these beast cost…