ate a triple king w/ lettuce, onion, tomatoe, cheese, pickle, ketchup and mustard at fat burger and got my picture taken and put up on the wall for finishing it… oya and a large fries and 2 orange fantas to wash it all down :blue:

thanks for calling or stopping by i would have went:bash:
but congrats otherwise :bigthumb:

great story tell it again

now where is this and how much meat is that?

Sweet…I guess…My all time best Burger King outing was a while back they had a deal that was 2 for $3…so I got 4 with cheese and dominated

I did the double king, fat fries and a coke… I was definitely feeling the affects of that later in the day!

Interesting. Haven’t done the big burger at Fatburger but back in HS I ate a Wendy’s triple with the extra patty for $.79. Needless to say I didn’t do much after that.

That’s a hefty payload both coming in and going out!

haha sorry, shawn said we should have called u as we were leaving, next time though well definitely hit u up.

fat burger in robinson, and its atriple patty 1.5 lbs. with another 12 lbs of grease dripping out the bottom when u pick it up.

so what,im going to the red brick tonight!!!:yum:

anytime i go to wendys and get a triple I pull up to the drive thru and ask for a number 3 and a defibrillator :rofl:

i think thats all i eat at wendys now is the triple, the wife thinks its gross but it tastes so goood… i guess i will be going to fat burger, gotta get my pic on the wall as well

wow, gotta love america…

Jeff went to Wendys the other day his order consisted of 4 jr bacon cheeseburgers, .99 cent chicken nuggets, large fry, and 2 medium cokes
I cant belive he ate all of that!

From a spectator’s perspective, i dont think we should compare the wendy’s triple to the fatburger triple… theyre not even close to the same size.

Awww thats so cute the two of you went out to lunch together. Did you get an afterlunch nap and spooning session in?

its werid because I can eat 100 wings @ qsl but cannot eat more than 2 woppers

100 wings? :bsflag:

well 2 bites of a jr bacon and its the whole burger

no you can’t.

and it’s whopper for christ’s sake

120 wings and 2 pitchers of beer @ QSL a few years ago… 2 hours before I ate a 2lb cheese burger and a huge amt of fries. It can be done