WTF Buffalo Burger

Well I decided to try out Fudrucker’s replacement and was very shocked. WTF is going on with this place. First off, the prices have fucking skyrocketed, by about 30%. The same dinner I used to get with the lady is now 10 bux more!

So we order up and give this place a shot, seems to be mostly the same staff. Next we’re fucking seated to our table, I used to have my booth that I always liked to sit in.

Now the kicker, we cant get up to get drinks or toppings for our food. All burgers and sandwiches come with lettuce tomato pickle and onion, i dont want none of that shit on my burger, and now i only get like 3 pickles!!

While im waiting for my food I noticed all the cool fudrucker decor is gone, vintage stuff and all that. Everything on the walls is like martini glasses and other gay shit!

So our food came, I had a half pound burger and dogzilla, my lady had a chicken sandwhich and fries. My shit also came with fries which arent as good as the old ones and I didnt want them anyways! They’re like we can always get you fries, are you trying to be like fucking red robin!?

Food wise, my girls was real good, and my burger was great, my fucking 6 dollar hotdog tasted like asshole, you know, when you fart so bad you can taste it?
The thing that put me over the edge was the hotdog. It wasnt even beef, and they only advertise beef hot dogs on the fucking menu.

I don’t think I can return.

yes, 29$ later

SOOO GLAD I MOVED AWAY FROM THIS… this was practically what i based my decision on!

Amen Will, I’m looking at houses in any other part of the country besided buffalo just to get away from that terrible dining establishment.

I just threw my house on the market because of this god forsaken restaurant!


ROFL. Wait…ur srs?

That was rather quick,I just ate at fudds for the first time last month and now its gone lol.I was not impressed,the decor was nice but the food was “meh”.

Grovers spoiled me,awesome burgers.

I really don’t think Buffalo has a great burger spot…

I miss Five Guys

where should I go, im interested in trying a new burger spot…

rock bottom, grovers, vizzi’s

You think wrong then.

I have had a few five guys burgers. While very good I can easily enjoy the food coma that comes with the likes of a vizzis,grovers,rock bottom,sterling tavern berger.

cool, well i havent been to those spots so i will check them out.

there were other spots i enjoyed more then 5 guys in CT but they were not chains :slight_smile:

i do like 5 guys a lot though!

yea none of those just listed are chains.

chains blow.

go to vizzies or sterling tavern. both are really close to the studio.


Yuck five guys… they’ve got me wanting to move out of Florida lately…

five guys is NOT a good burger.

Lol I see what you did there.

Go to Vizzys, you will not be disappointed

That’s just crazy. Go to Cole’s.