burning hot

hottest shit i ever had ok i go to work today at perkins in smithton my buddy dave evon takes some kind of little mexican pepper like halbanero or something like that and took 6 pounds of them and squeezed the juice out of them so i go into work and hes like try this dude it is so good we use it for our wings at pizons so im the what the hell why not one drop from like a medacine dropper felt like taking gas and dumping it in your mouth and lighting it on fire and gives you instant heart burn so im trying things to get the burn to go away they give me water makes it hotter pop makes it go away as soon as u swallow the pop though its back then there like try this buttered bread calms it down but barley then evons mom my boss finally gave me a glass of white milk and it took it away ne one wanna try it i got it now cause its good mixed with tebasco sauce butter and put on chicken

there to all the smart a$$es who make fun of me cause i type fast and dont fix my mistakes i now edited the work

$5 and I’ll add all appropriate grammar.

this aint school aint worried bout it

dude…i didn’t even read that because you have no idea how to use a period. :gives:

Not worth me even reading that slop.

Back to 4th grade please

there i even edited it for you people since you cant read stuff thats messed up cause yins are perfect sorry

you still have all your teeth?

yea im 16 ok as a 16 yr old we can careless bout how many mistakes we make in typing do you want a cookie or something since you can make fun of me over something i dont care about

The fact is, you dont care. but we care.

Pittspeed is like my morning newspaper. Newspapers use periods.

good for a news paper im not righting a book here so deal with it

:madfawk: its pretty pathetic you get a kick out of picking on a 16 yr old. oh and theres you period by the way!!!

Looked like a novel about a hot pepper to me :dunno:


I got to type perfect now. That means capitals and everything.Seems to me im back in schhool at 12 o’clock in the morning.Hmmm since when does school start at 12 am??


I’m oh so happy you taught me how to type.Do i pass pittspeed schooling??

seriously…cry me a song emo boy…just use a fucking period if you’re going to type an entire paragraph. it’s not that fucking hard. then maybe people won’t pick on you and actually give a shit what you have to say.

after a couple years of work, I am confident :slight_smile:

Doubt it