hot as balls today...

im allready 2 gallons of water and 10 popsicles in… fuck this heat.

great weather

Makes me think back to two years ago when I was roofing 5 days a week. Now I’m in the A/C talking to you clowns.

Although I’d kinda rather be outside instead of wasting away in a cubicle.

i fixed my friends roof on sunday…I miss it sooooooooooooooo much!! I have a huge headache from bein gin the ac in my office…then outside…and back in and out…I hate it!

i washed both the cars and going to see transformers in imax!!

I just got done working 8 hours in the heat. It blowwws.

w00t, working in it the heat wasnt to bad the past few days

Florida heat index is above 100 everyday! it sux!

yes f the heat

better than snow

I’m just glad to be in a garage and not directly in the sun

Was in the Sun from 630 am til 430 Pm …drank 4 32oz gatorades and 2 Gallons of water …goddam heat sucks

serious??? same hours as me, but i dont think i went threw that much liquid, maybe im used to it since ive been doing this since i was 12

14hrs throwing garbage. Probly drank 12 bottles of water and dumped 10 on myself

I wore tshirt under long sleeve , cargo pants and felt like any other day. :stick:

x a million

man i love bein here and listening to everyone bitch and moan because it’s 88 outside, Ya’ll don’t know what hot is up here. I love it.

96 in the shop right now!!!

wheres a fat chick to give you cold chills when you need it :kekegay: