Burnouts in HD: Lancaster Edition

just a bunch of fools representing the best that Lancaster has to offer. there’s a few really funny ones in there. watch for the Mustang V6 axle hop, the Saturn, the riced Cavalier, the Roadmaster…

why the fuck do people race at a track with like 8 people in the car, may as well just go stop light to stop light, not like those pieces of shit will trap much higher than the speed limit in the 1/8th anyways

Gotta heat up 'dem street tires!

I really need to bring the wagon out to one of these

i cant believe they let people run the 1/8 with a bunch of passengers in the car…

that mustang was hilarious

quality post :tup:
will read again.

best part, as we all know too well, is that it’s $5 per car. i wonder if they all throw in a buck

Its not like the cars are going fast who cares?

Maybe if you ran like a 9 in the 1/4 with a passenger they should question that lol.

shitty caprice had the best one. what is the point of heating the tires up when theyre street tires? they dont even prep the track on wed either, people would probably cut better times if they roll out and then hit the gas unless the car dosent have enough power to spin em anyways.

but thats not “cool” and/or “SIQQQQQ!!!”


I wish Youtube had smell-o-vision. LMAO @ the Saturn Ion. I give best burnout to the Roadmaster.

it’s “HD” as advertised by nikon, and that’s about it. it’s shot with a D90, which isn’t really known for its video quality. what did you expect.

i think your settings are wrong

right most cars run what 60 mph or so… not even highway speed


You show a Raptor so I watch for 4 minutes and the Raptor does no heater. What a let down.:wink:

i know. trust me, i was disappointed too. blame the youtube settings for grabbing that frame as the title shot

yeah, having it on highest quality setting and then compensating for the zero light there so the video isn’t completely black must be all wrong

just made my night!

if its not HD on youtube its not HD at all! youtube tells all!

we took the intake video in daytime, and thats not HD either.