burnyd getting kicked in the nutts


oh no… its getting optimized… I cant wait to watch it/kill laura

Quit posting videos that don’t work! wait till they are working before posting.


it works now…that looks like it hurt

they work.

I dont understand you dan, You say you dont like quik but hang out with him :confused:

OUCH!!, good thing he has an empty sac

oh snap


True story:bluez28:

cant see a damn thing

quik wasnt there…i had stopped by and just happened to have a camera with me

oh shut up dan…i was nice enough not to post the reat of the video

again you speak of shit you have no clue about. you assumed that i took the video. when you just did that you made a complete ass out of yourself like usual. as you can tell laura did the recording. dumbass

Hmmm you posted it. What else to assume?

Stop down my house tough guy

aaahahahaha that suck 4 u!

Thanks Paul!

I’m surprised Paul got his leg up that high…

Good work.

um… jimmay how did you think that quik took the video? first off he isnt running his mouth in the video… and its a not restricted view of dan. with out quiks head in the way… so that just proves he wasnt there

yeah i thought it was pretty obvious

i hate it when ppl hit my nuts!