Bush considering $800 tax rebate to boost US economy

Is 300 dollars going to make or break anyone in that class? Most households that earn 150k+ would deposit that check and never think about it again.

I would buy a TAGHeuer watch…a good chunck of the one i would buy

id be happy with a $600 check. It will go right to the CC bill. :tup:

It will be my patriotic duty to blow that check on crap I don’t need and wouldn’t buy otherwise. :tup:


Not that it really matters though, my spending has only increased over the last few years. As has, I imagine most people who earn over 75K/yr.

AWD - You’re so fucking selfish it’s incredible. Boohoo your tax dollars are going to people who need money to SPEND.

congress passed


its not a make or break thing…it is a spend money on crap thing to try and stimulate the economy…

too bad most of what is bought will be from foreign markets

i’m going to spend mine on my $1800 in amherst property taxes due next month. irony?

I’ll be over the threshold this year but was under last year :slight_smile:

Yeah dont know when they are planning on getting these out, or if it is part of the 07 tax refund budget…

It will be a separate check…like last time they did it.

true … now when will we get it is the question?


That should give you a estimate


i might have missed it, but how do we go about applying for this?

Did you pay taxes?

Yeah, I’m selfish because I don’t want the government taking MY momey and giving it to someone WHO DOES NOT EVEN CONTRIBUTE A PENNY TO TAXES.

You’re so fucking liberal it’s incredible.
That is why you think that a person shouldn’t decide what is best, he needs the government to decide for him.
I have said it many times before, give me my money back and I will spend it on hard working Americans!
People like you are the down fall of this great nation.
You should be ashamed you fucking socialist mother fucker.
This country certainly wasn’t built by people that think like you, I promise.

well, i havnt filed anything yet, but ive paid my rediculous share each week…

u dont have to apply or do anything. just wait for your check to come liek they did a few years ago

wow, awdrifter went from flawed views, but could at least form a coherent argument, to neo-con shit-throwing monkey.
“fuck that and fuck you, you fucking socialist mother fucker.”

you would think you were 20 years younger than me, instead of 20 years older.

That was in response to being called “so selfish it’s fucking incredible”.
Anyone that knows me can tell you that would not be my typical response but, I am sick of Joe always saying things like “fucktard”, etc.
I have done more for people in need (WITHOUT GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION) in one year than Joe has probably done his whole life.

I am done defending myself.
I don’t believe that some people should work their ass off and be financially responsible then the government should decide who gets the money for that work.
This is no secret, anyone that knows me probably knows this about me so like I said I am done.