Bush gives Libby "Get Out of Jail Free Card"


Not surprised…




Or because it was the right thing to do? Nah, fuck that, just go with the media hype and let’s hate us some Bush!


lol i like how u talk


It could be worse. Bush could have committed perjury himself while president; like Bill Clinton.


god forbid you lie about a blow job to stop your wife from finding out.
oh and last tiem i checked, sexual relations /= BJ in my book.

Nobody died when Clinton lied.

Did the right thing. Bush is an ass, but loyalty is a good quality and Libby didn’t do anyting all of the Washington bozos do.


Did the right thing. Bush is an ass, but loyalty is a good quality and Libby didn’t do anyting all of the Washington bozos do.


Ah so that makes it right?:gay2:

My guess is that good ol’ Scooter knew a bit more than just the Valerie Plame info and would have probably gone public with more if he did not get pardoned. Maybe Bush wanted to hang him out to dry but feared what Scooter could do if he was “pissed”…

JayS and rskrause, you are right, but what you are saying is the problem. Rskrause, you are right, W is loyal. Problem is in his position you should put loyalties aside for the good of the citizenry at large. Instead his loyalties lies with all his rich friends and the energy industry while the rest of us get shit on.

The american public has come to accept this idea of everybody in DC, is corrupt, they all cheat, steal, et cetera. And that is the problem. It shouldn’t be accepted. The fact that “Nixon did it too” really shouldn’t be relevant.

If you ask me W and company make Nixon and his cronies look like shoplifters. Nixon was 33 years ago. We’ll be paying for W’s screw ups 33 years from now. Nixon was a shitty president and wasn’t worthy of the office. W is twice as shitty and half as worthy.

The fact that the American public puts up with all of this is the big problem - a bigger problem than the politicians themselves.


i did not have sexual relations with that woman
