Buying an s2k

Im looking at buying an s2k, anyone ever hear of any problems with them that are common or things to expect, this would be a brand new one with the 2.2 liter

i thought you just bought a new car a few months ago. anyways here i go i am not a fan of honda. all though i do like the looks of a s2000

no torque

If you are on the tall side, you may find them quite uncomfortable. I drove one, and felt i needed the seat back another 2-3 inches to be comfy. I’m only 6’0.

yea i did just buy a new car, this is not gonna happen for a few months, collecting the downpayment, but new job calls for new toys

yea, i figure that part out, i test drove one this week, i just love the car tho so its a sacrifice i guess im willing to deal with

Honestly thats retarded, sacrifice comfort for a car thats almost impossible to get more room from.

what should i buy then? thats the car i want, it is my dream car

sounds like you answered your own question. wish my dream car only cost $2x,xxx. :frowning:

would love to keep building the hatch but if im moving down here i just dont have the support to do something like that

so owning an s2k has become realistic

Hell if i know, I know damn well.I wouldn’t pay $ for a car that didn’t suit me 100%. dream or not. anyway, good luck and post it when you get it :beer:

Good luck on the s2k. It’s sexah.

If i can get jeff to move down here with me maybe we can continue the hatch lol

Hey jeff there isn’t any state tax in florida lol

I guess it would be how car suits you 100%, love looks of it, love how it drives, and love hondas, just cant see myself owning anything else