Buying Rims

so i wanted to drive over to NY and pick some rims up figured since im canadian i could get rims and rubber alot cheaper over there than i could here.

can anyone suggest some places to me?

Fox Tire

so you already have wheels? you just need rims for them?
Or were you planning on streching a rubber over a basketball rim?

brilliant response. you are so funny. do you write your own material? that is good stuff. did you even read the original post? he is looking for rims and likely tires to go with the rims. he is thinking that he might be able to get them cheaper in the states. why would he need rims for his wheels, as you have asked? use your brain please. oh, and it is stretching*

edit: that being said, yeah, try fox tire on william street.

because a rim isnt a wheel?
The rim goes on the outside of a wheel.

Edit/ I LOVE when people own themselves.

i’m pretty sure we all knew what he was asking for. yeah, i POWNED myself, i’m such a retard!!!1!!!

If talking about a 1 piece it is considered a rim or a wheel…:gotme:


JustKarter :tdown: to you.

your a tool, we all knew what he meant

although it may just be cheaper to order them online, but who knows

haha thanks for the comical response!

fox tire do they have anything online?

What? Are you that much of a n00b that you’ve never heard tires being referred to as ‘rubber?’

your like a day late lol.

the OP got the jokes, it was all in fun. some people on this forum, are really pissed at work it tends to reflect in thier posts haha.

JUST Karter you’re JUST stupid.

You’re you fucking retard.

Let me help.

Your post was retarded, you didn’t own anyone.

You’re a complete moron.

Your mom is a filthy whore.

See the difference?

thank you for so eloquently articulating what i was feeling as i tried to deal with him 13 hours ago. :clap:

Wow my fucking brain is D-E-D today.