Buying server need help

Im trying to start a game server company and its all new to me. What are your opinions on good servers and where can i get a t1 in buffalo?

First, where are you going to put all these servers?

Once you know that, then you can better choose what type/configuration to buy.

You might also want to look into offsite storage, you can have offsite companies purchase servers for you and they can set them up with whatever you want (or you send them the servers pre-configured). This way you don’t have to worry about space for machines.

Just rent 'em from a colo. owning a server is WAY overrated, trust me. unless you want e-dick bragging rights, there’s no reason to own the hardware. I’ve been down that road, it was a waste.

t1 for game servers is too slow, you need at least a t3 especially if ur going to be hosting a ton of peeps.


dell makes good servers, how many do you plan on buying?
How many people do you plan on serving
lots of things to consider here.


Offsite server rental may be a better option.

Rental might be your best option, so in case the business fails, you aren’t stuck with a lot of expensive equipment. You can always change later as the business develops. Having your servers on a farm offsite will make startup a lot easier.

I happen to live NEXT DOOR to a big colo / ISP here in Roc… so we have a 10MB drop into my apt / business. They rent out rack space and connectivity, figure from 100-300/mo depending on space and bandwidth. My suggestion of leasing server time is purely economical - you don’t NEED control or ownership of the box, just a big fat pipe and enough ram / cpu to run your application(s). We moved my business sites from an X-Serve G5 off two DS3 lines to MediaTemple for that reason, who cares who owns the box, it’s all about bandwidth, uptime and latancy… even MORE so with games.

From your post this sounds like a pipe-dream / hobby, but maybe you’re just not telling us the whole story - what is your business model aka how do you plan on making money off hosting games?

Im just getting started i have a partner and a nice chunk of startup cash (about 20-30k). Im going to set up a room just for the servers and have its own A/C and humidity control. Im looking to buy something a little better then what the others are running and lease out dedicated server space for $500 and ips for around $40 this seems about average. I looked into renting but the problem with that is it hard to turn a profit reselling something people can go out and buy for themselves at the same price i would be getting it for.

why build your own server room when someone else has done a FAR better job of it. like these guys:

they have better power than most cities :wink:

20-30k could go a long way on some dedicated virtual servers or even “complex hosting” - that 500/mo for “space” might be better spent on a colo or managed host.

Just my $.02, since I do this stuff for a living every day :wink:

Just get co-lo space in 350main…

rental. its more worth the money