C&D august


i want to have sex with that black srt-10… if i had a shit load of money it would be between that and the Z oh 6… but gawd damn is that viper sick


that viper looks like it’s wearing rotas…

I have always liked the vipers and was never a fan of the vette.

I am very surprised to see the corvette in last place though, I figured GM would have thrown more money at the magazine doing the testing.

Yea that kinda surprised me to, but if you think about it pretty much all of the cars it was up against were developed after the C6 Z06 came out. Well the Viper & porsche were around, but not the versions used in this test. I’m also surprised GM didn’t sneak a ZR-1 in there. I did hear that the ACR Viper is a real track beast, it looks evil and crushed everything in its path on the road course.

Nothing beats 13 compression and 18 rebound setting factory shocks! Vipers are race cars, period.

And thats why I love mopar!

if you love wearing the purple earmuffs on race day.

ill take any of the 4

and smashing holes is buildings with my tow rig. :clit:

I’d love a gt2 but my mind might change when I shoot the gtr coming up. Hopefully i can talk the owner into letting me drive it.

911 GT2 for me

is someone you know down here getting one?

Yeah a car club called black ops. He has it paid off just waiting on his. Apparently there’s a huge shipment of r35s just sitting in a port in jacksonville.


Blount Island…yummy…its funny seeing everyone beating the shit out of cars there…i wish i was still there working