Cable Modem Question

I’m replacing my parent’s Mac with a Dell and Comcast Internet. I’ve found a Motorola SB5101 and an SB5120 locally. Would you recommend one over the other? Nothing jumped out at me in the specs.

They’re both very similar, the SB5101 is a little bit newer and also just recently had a firmware update. These are the most common ones here at Comcast. Whichever one is cheaper, but if they’re the same price, get the 5101.

I did some searching and there were reports of a lot of packet loss with the 5120 with Comcast service. Have you heard anything about that? It sounded like it was only a problem for stuff like gaming with an Xbox, which my parents won’t be doing!

Nothing outstanding as far as packet loss goes… We’ve gotten calls off and on about packet loss when gaming or slow speeds, but consoles are also pretty demanding and a lot of people go through routers and experience packet loss as well. Packet loss also is dependant upon signal levels and noise in the line.

On a day to day basis for normal surfing and even a small network, both modems are capable of handling everything your parents will be doing online I’m sure.