CAD guys-file type

Anyone know what program uses this extension-


Ive searched and came up with Parasolid witch took me to UGS group, but Ive also found references to Solidworks.

UG primarily; I’ve dealt with it with a few customers… mainly as a translation medium though.

hmm IM having a hard time getting the customer to send me anything different. IM looking for a way to open this file up so I can view it. I have Inventor but have no luck with it yet.

inventor will not do it. most modeling programs will exprt as a .stp or .igs file, which inventor will recognize.

they might be able to save it as a different file type within whatever they are using

thanks guys, I put a call back to them to try .stp and .igs so hopefully it will work that way

Yea, we use STEP and IGES for most intercompany translations; those are the 2 that almost any program can read. And all programs can export at least an IGES.

Although they NEED to step up to the new STEP format which includs properties/notes/etc with the model so it’s got all the other info and you don’t have to re-create it all.


inventor will not do it. most modeling programs will exprt as a .stp or .igs file, which inventor will recognize.


Thanks, I got them to send me a .stp and it worked out great.

.x_t is a parasolid file native to UG/NX I believe

use 'em all the time :slight_smile: