Give me a few weeks to show you what I am doing in my camaro. If you like it answer is when ever I flip the tig on and your car is here.
Like Adam said he qualifies more than anyone in her to comment. I am giving the man that. So we all, including me, should be listening to him.
For reference:
With that being said. And understanding how a harness works (stretches to dissapate like mentioned already too) and taking your physical size into consideration and THEN building the cage around that, I will give you 2 examples of a cage I, KK with what shift thinks has no knowledge on the subject based on real expierence, doesnt see being a form of roll over protection that could kill someone in the event of an impact without a helmet.
I give you a simple 4 point cage:
For some reason it doesn’t show the harness bar… but you get the idea. ALL of the tubing is behind the drivers seat (max 6"). So the vertical bar is 6" behind and tucked right up next to or even slightly behind the B pillar, and well enough above your head. The top is right up to the roof, approx 11" max away from your head at a diagonal line drawn from the back of your head. So if you get hit without a helmet and your head hits ANY of that tubing… your seat broke or the impact was hard enough that your fucked anyways, cage or no cage. Please explain in detail how I am wrong, or STFU.
Next I give you a simple 6 point cage:
ONLY 2 bars anywhere near the drivers head is the door bars. Bellow SHOULDER height. You would have to get hit in such a way that your head, neck and back leaned you forward and/or compressed you down and to the side somehow to hit your head on that bar. The body doesn’t bend that way very well, especially with a 4 point harness holding you to the seat. Again, I am very confidant your head isn’t hitting those/that bar either… and if it did again, say the cage wasn’t there, you would be smashing the window, door sill, etc anyways… again your pretty much fucked cage or no cage. Please explain in detail how I am wrong, or STFU.
So please pick this apart and shed some useful details, or things I might have overseen/though… since I am beyond a clown & just a useless piece of shit racing my gums.