Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

When does it release for PC?

yeah bro latham ones where its at, ill be there round 11ish

good game? good game? im sorry im sorry but have you seen the videos the online leaks the leaked airport terrorist level? omg its gunna be the best game of 09 and EVA!!!

and yes i have to have it when tonight so tomorrow i can tell everyone at work how fucking cool i am DUH!!! lol

F yer 386! i o/c’ed my tandy 4000c to 75mhz and added another 8mb stick of ram!


had to do a double-take on this

They come out 12:00 on the 13th for PC

As I posted in the video section earlier today:

This just in: Rotterdam Square Mall will have the midnight release tonight, but . . . with the Army there decked out in full armor and with hummers!! … oh and + food! (according to the ebgames/gamestop staff)

I’ll be there since I live right by there and I don’t have to work in the am

cya guys there!

Just stopped into the the northway mall location to pay off the balance. and there is ALREADY people out there lined up…

And they are still taking preorders (as of 45 min or so ago)

Is that for pre-orders only? I am strongly considering going now. Instead of just Walmart in Cobleskill

I dont know, give em a call: (518) 393-5505‎ (just googled it for you)

…this game better be good. lol

was just the gamestop in mohawk commons and there was about 45 people already at like 7… Might go cause my buddy is first in line lol!

So they actually make you wait til midnight?

Yep 12:01 actually if you wanna get technical.

I called:

No you dont have to have a pre-order. And they-re trying to get people in now. Whatever that means, straight from the gamestop fags mouth.

im going to the northway mall one at 11 30 my gamertag is drift350z hit me up tell me your from shift

i was at the gamestop in 20 mall was there til 1am and at that time they only cashed out about 20 prestige versions and none of the regular games or the harden games would be bout an othe hour to get …

oh and people add me on ps3 silentsteve1

Playing Single campaign now.


My buddy and I were the first one’s in line at Best Buy. They gave my buddy that huge cardboard cut out with the guy on the front of it.

I played a little bit of the game lastnight. So far it’s awesome!

WIN! Cant wait til 1 oclock when i go grab my copy!

I bought 3 PS3 copies, and one 360 copy. I bought one PS3 copy for my brother’s bday, and another for another brother’s bday (but that asshole ended up going and getting it last night). I’ve been playing on 360 all night, and I’m at level 22 right now, almost mastering the M4A1.

On a side note: Anyone looking for a PS3 copy brand new with wrapping? $60 and it’s yours. Save on tax.