Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

If I didn’t care for accuracy I wouldn’t camp nearly as much but still have a high KtD as I had in WaW.

I’m also going to be camping quite a bit til i max out the WA2000

My accuracy has been going up steady and I still don’t camp unless on maybe 3 levels lol. Just keep the crosshairs on the other guy with the gun.

You would. I still need about 200 headshots with the M4A1 til it’s 100% maxed out. I have everything unlocked for it, and maxed out the Marksman levels, but the Expert stuff is much harder. Especially since roughly 40% of my kills are due to a noob tubing. Although I have gotten headshots with that!

You guys and your maxing out.

How many of you will actually Prestige at the end?

Maxing out shitty guns FTL.

I was debating against it but I think I may Prestige.

beat up on gsr_gtp in a team deathmatch

You guys and your maxing out.

How many of you will actually Prestige at the end?

come over in the forza thread

send me cars


and cossey OMG i dont want those cars !

What’s the big deal with KTD ratios? Don’t you guys play the game for fun?


Yes, but in theory you should be killing more people than dying…


Like this kid we played with last night.

“Stop stealing my fucking kills assholes.”
Cosseys response “Shoot quicker pussy.”

How do you steal someones kill?


You’re useless if in TDM you give the other team more points than you squire for the team, they’d be better off without you.

Plus this is a game and a game is compeditive.

Of your ktd is better you can be considered better.

I threw myself on 2 live grenades last night to protect the HQ. I am not an ideal TDM player.

For the cause!

ROFL! I ended up talking so much shit to him that he left the game.

First part is true. Last part is not. It depends HOW you get the kills, not how many. You get yours camping around. Most others get theirs by going out and finding them.

Your country is proud.

Yo cliff… good times playin COD with you

Vlad, I need you in game more. GF was half-watching me play last night and these Russians were spouting off shit and she kept asking what they were saying. I assumed it was a variation of, “Reloading”, “Grabbing Magazine”. Now for some reason I walk around the house spouting off half assed attempts at speaking russian. :rofl

HAHAHA I do the same shit!